Book Description Sonny is only one of the spies at the Bradshaw house in Mozier, Alabama But as a child he saw a tray full of dinner come flying across the front hall at his father His mother's aim was deaаогжжd on And Daddy's departure promptly followed Loretta, Sonny's older sister, spies by eavesdropping As she tells him, "How else am I going to survive in a family tight-lipped as tombs?" But the kids' spying only scratches the surface of what's really goinбаеыьg on in this 1950s family in the deep South While Deaton, the youngest, worries about pirates and vampires, and Uncle Marty, family protector, serves up scripture with every bite at the Circle of Life donut shop, somebody is watching Somebody unsuspected by Sonny But at thirteen he knows something's fishy, and he intends to find out what That's why one Friday after Uncle Marty pays him for dishwashing at the Circle of Life, he sneaks out of town, first by bike and then by bus Seбнбетlma, his mama; Mamby; Nissa; Uncle Sink; Aunt Roo; his sister and brother -- nobody from that all-too-serious but often hilarious crew has a clue where he's gone And even Sonny can't say exactly what he's after, until those tight-lipped tombs start talking, and life in the house on Rhubarb changes for good.