MVP: *Magellan Voyage Project 2004 г 231 стр ISBN 1932425136 инфо 7176i.
MVP: *Magellan Voyage Project 2004 г 231 стр ISBN 1932425136 инфо 7176i.

Book DescriptionEvery kid's dream is to be named Most Valuable Player But how many ever dream that the game is a race around the world (no flying allowed) in just 40 days? That's the challenge Adam Story faceаогцлs in the Great Global Game As the player forthe *Magellan Voyage Project, he competes against 23 other players for a four-million-dollar prize! Of course the trackers in red sweat suits and hoodies with their blowguns and sleeping darts don't make things easy Nor doeбаждоs the nefarious Baron von Sheepsbottom, who will stop at nothing to stop Adam But it's time to go -- the game's afoot!.