Стратегическое управление персоналом в условиях эффективной организационной культуры Букинистическое издание Сохранность: Хорошая Издательство: Финпресс, 2004 г Твердый переплет, 288 стр ISBN 5-8001-0044-6 инфо 1787i.

В учебнике рассматривается принципиально новый подход к работе с персоналом - стратегическое управление человеческими ресурсами в условиях эффективной организационной культуры На основе анализа отечественныхаогзх и зарубежных теорий и практики предлагаются методы формирования кадровой политики и решения важнейших функций управления персоналом в современных условиях для успешного выживания и развития деловой организации в долгосрочной перспективе Рассматриваются практика и пербаеьфспективы развития стратегического управления персоналом в России и за рубежом в динамично меняющемся окружении XXI века Учебник предназначен для студентов, аспирантов, специализирующихся в области менеджмента, экономики и социологии труда, а также для слушателей институтов и курсов повышения квалификации, работников служб управления персоналом, отделов кадров, руководителей предприятий и организаций Автор Владимир Маслов.

Turkeys Together (Holiday House Reader) 2005 г 40 стр ISBN 0823418952 инфо 1789i.

Book DescriptionSomebody is stealing Mother Turkey’s eggs! Somebody is stealing Mrs Turkey’s eggs too! Can an adorable bird dog puppy help them discover the thief in time to save the remaining eggs? An unlikeаогзцly trio makes their own kind of family in this warmhearted easy reader that’s just in time for Thanksgiving Holiday House Readers are created for children who are just beginning to read They feature large type, simple vocabulary, and short, manageable chapters Levбаеьцel 2 books, ofwhich Turkeys Together is one, are intended for children in first and second grades.

A Killing in Plymouth Colony 2003 г 160 стр ISBN 0618275975 инфо 1790i.

Book DescriptionThere had never before been a murder in Plymouth colony In a community founded on such high ideals and strong principles, the very idea was unthinkable, but the facts were undeniable: John Newаогзшcomen had been shot and killed by someone But by whom? When Governor William Bradford voices his suspicion of John Billington, somewhat of an outsider whose penchant for public drunkenness makes him an easy scapegoat, his own son rushes to the man"s defense Twelбаеьшve-year-old John Bradford understands what it"s like to live outside of his father"s good graces It seems to him that every little mistake earns a harsh reprimand, but nothing he could ever do would win his father"s approval This historical novel brings together the drama of a murder mystery and the complexities of the relationship between a father and his son to provide a glimpse of what life might have been like growing up in the young colony as it too struggled to бнбеуdetermine its course and its identity.

The Stink Files, Dossier 002: To Scratch a Thief (Stink Files) 2004 г 144 стр ISBN 0060529822 инфо 1794i.

Book Description Life is good for James Edward Bristlefur The sophisticated British secret agent cat is settling into his new home in New Jersey He's become quite fond of his uncouth but loving new familyаогзъ He's even gotten used to being calledMr Stink (Although he does not appreciate jokes about his new name, thanks very much) Then a dark shadow falls across his happy home Someone is threatening Mr Stink's new family -- a thief who leaves no pawprints As James iбаеьщnvestigates the crimes, he realizes that a frightening old enemy lurks at the center of a web of conspiracy, plotting against him Who is the hidden paw behind these misdeeds? And what grudge does he bear against our hero? As every cat with a past knows, sometimes you need to sharpen your claws .

Blood Trail Издательство: Holiday House, 2003 г Твердый переплет, 105 стр ISBN 0823417239 инфо 1797i.

Grade 7-10-Jeremy and Aaron, 17, have been inseparable since second grade Now Aaron has been brutally murdered, his body mutilated with 73 knife wounds In small-town Pinto River, rumors abound and spread likаогзюe wildfire First there is total disbelief that this could happen Then the community is sure that a psychotic serial killer is on the loose But Jeremy has kept one small fact from the police: Aaron told him that he was afraid of his twin brother, Nathan Springer capбаеьъtures feelings of fear, grief, anger, and revenge Her direct, simple vocabulary and sentence constructions contribute to an accessible book for less capable and reluctant readers The dynamics of two families, the community, and the police investigation keep readers guessing, even though the ending is predictable A quick and easy read Автор Нэнси Спринджер Nancy Springer.

Tropical Treasure Hunt Издательство: Grosset & Dunlap, 2007 г Мягкая обложка, 16 стр ISBN 044844559X инфо 1799i.

Join Strawberry Shortcake and her friends as they help Coco Calypso search for a hidden treasure at Seaberry Beach With fun clues, fascinating facts about tropical plants and animals, and over 75 reusable stiаогзяckers, little girls will love taking a tropical break with Strawberry as she discovers that friendship is the best treasure of all!.

Стрелец-молодец и Елена Прекрасная Серия: Поиграем в сказку инфо 1801i.

Художник: И Тугайбей Сказку про Федота-стрельца, удалого молодца ты, наверное, знаешь Наш стрелец тоже Федот, да немного не тот И сказка чуть-чуть иная Что же в ней особенного? Думаем, в той сказкеаогиа Федоту легче было выполнять поручения царя - волшебство помогало: раз, дваи готово А в нашей сказке все преграды преодолеть, смекалка большая нужна И надеяться не на волшебство, а на себя придется Поэтому Федот тебя в попутчики зовет Есть у него опасение, что он обаеьдин, без тебя, не справится С твоей помощью он любое заданиевыполнит, любую головоломку разгадает Открывай смело книжку и шагай вместе со стрельцом - молодцом от приключения к приключению И, как бы ни было трудно, - никогда не падай духом, верь в себя Тогда не только в сказке, но и в жизни любой поставленной цели достигнешь Автор Александр Мадера.

Bones and the Cupcake Mystery (Bones) 2005 г 32 стр ISBN 0670059390 инфо 1804i.

Book Description Detective Jeffrey Bones is always ready to help when a mystery strikes In the third Bones mystery a cupcake, a spinach noodle one is missing from school "Yuck!" says Bones Who wouаогивld steal something so gross? Armed with a code breaker, a walkie-talkie, and clever jokes, Jeffrey Bones solves the cupcake conundrum Perfect for new readers, this Easy-to-Read mystery series-written by the author of the popular Cam Jansen books-features easy-to-folбаеьэlow storylines, brief sentences, and visual clues within the illustrations.

Young Cam Jansen and the New Girl Mystery (Young Cam Jansen) 2004 г 32 стр ISBN 0670059153 инфо 1805i.

Book DescriptionThere’s a new girl in school! Her name is Jenny and she is making fast friends with Cam and Eric They’re happy to help her find her way around, but when it’s time for gym class, Jenny disappeaаогижrs Where did she go? Is she lost? Did she go back to her old school? Young readers won’t be able to resist looking for clues in the story to help Cam and Eric find their new classmate Follow along as Cam says "Click!" and the search for Jenny begins!.